From our Constitution:
soup ink. is a co-operative run by like-minded creatives in Belfast and its surrounding areas. The primary aim of soup ink. is to promote and celebrate local talent through mutual-aid and shared resourcing. We want to create a new platform for projects of all creative outlets. As a co-operative, soup ink. is owned and run by its members; each member is fully accountable to the rest of the group and vice versa.
Openness and transparency underpin how we work, our Constitution has been approved by all our members, and it is viewable at the link above.
{::comment} Our finances our made publicly available to ensure accountability and scrutiny.
Minutes are available for all previous meetings. {:/comment}
soup ink. is proud to have helped organise events alongside grassroots political activists in Belfast. In 2023 we were part of the team behind an alternative International Working Women’s Day and alt-Pride.
If you are interested in getting involved, shoot us a message on Instagram or email us at: